west java is a paradox, men. actually, from bandungto batu karas isn't so far enough. but, by winding andthe traffic jam... ...we spend 6 hours,for only 250 km. it's so exhausted. even me, jebraw,the truly superhero traveler... ...sleeping along way on it. but, for sake of naya to open upher next enlightenment mystery... ...i'll keeping fight.
- what is that?- what's sound is it? it's like we are yet in... the sound of nature has called me,where is it? wow, sun bright. wow, people lookingthe landscape around. now, we are in.. where is it? i don't know. i just knew it, we are in...
...batu karas. and batu karas is more abouta beach, men. beach, where you can enjoy a largepanorama. the melodious sound wave,and a large sands too. in here, you can ask your soulmateto dance in here. here, it has a law for youto splashdown... ...but, it has an another law thatwarns you about a dangerous place. the keys for you to enjoying beach. you just have to thinkfun, fun, super fun, men.
anything can be fun here. even the rejecting will be funif you has positive thinking. men, it has code here, men. nesha love asih,ily = ilyt... i love you = i love you too. but i couldn't waste time here, men. i have to focus tothe next coordinate... ...we hope it could bring usto the next enlightenment... ...for naya my love forever,ever forever.
today, we'll going to grand canyon. - green canyon..- so eco friendly... ...because it's green. come on, let's go to the placethat has a beautifulness... ...and trully amaze. advice to your skin not burned.use body lotion, morron. - use sun block, morron.- that's right, sun block. by the very high spf,it will be... ...spf 1500.
ouch! it's hurt! green canyon is the placewhere we can cross over the river... ...by our body.and the river is... ...very green. the river has squeezing bythe precipices.. - squeezing by the precipices.- am i right? so, why it's named green canyon?what is green, nay? - colour.- colour. - and what is canyon?- "ken-djen beng-et".
"ken-djen beng-et"?kangen=(desire) banget=(trully).. right, desire.so, green-desire... ...and we desire about..- nature. - nature.- wow, it's very make sense. make sense, right?we're make sense. advice for you to not boreon your trip. playing riddle. - what is the stupid lake (danau)?- i danau (don't know).. - what lake (danau) can make us laugh?- danau, kasino, indro.
- what lake (danau) is a mickey mouse's friend?- danau duck. wow, green river!wow, green.. - leaf.- leaf? jalan jalan men! this is baraja, the tour guidewho will accompanying us... ...crosses the green river.they're looks very expert about... ...green canyon.so i secure behind them, men... ...or even just looking them. jebraw try to lesson sundanesse.
the important wordwe could to say it, is... ..."i wanna go to toilet". "i got to pee"."excuse me, i have go to toilet". "excuse me, can i find a toilet here?"am i right? that's a password to startingour adventure. just like usual,we have wearing life jacket. to got a safety life,and never broken heart... ...safety can be fun. let's go!
we continued this trip.from batu karas beach... ...to baraja take a half hour, men.and from baraja... ...to the river has to spendmore a half hour. but, ade looks like not excited,he look like... ...felling something wrong. sign of stomach ached - muzzle.- strained body, straighten leg. if we push the stomachhe will response. now we cross the coconut treesthat has a lot of mushrooms.
i don't want leave this moment,so we selfie first, men. yeah, we arrive! from here we have towalk down hills to the river. but berfore it, the guidegive us several instruction, men. for you who didn't knowwhat body rafting is... ...let's ask. body rafting is aboutcross the river... ...without a boat,so we only use... ...helmet, life jacket,something wear in our feet...
...and we just letour body to follow the flow. they said it is about 3 kmand take 2 or 3 hours... ...to arriving there. what amaze, men!the half of this tripping... ...had a crazy advanture, men. you'll never regret,body rafting! very nice.awsome. when we arriving here,we start it with... ...a little jump,it's like, plung, just like that.
it's only 2 meters.and it fells quite... ...until we arrive in a cavethat's like alligator's mouth. this is alligator cave. from the cave,it has more epic challange. now we have have to jumpfrom 3 meters. wow, it's so high, so you have hada high adrenalin too, men. men, it's very excited, men! very awsome, men!by name of god! but, it isn't amaze full yet, men.
now, we have to jump from... ...more highly point, men.seven meters, men! and we in into rapid directly. wow, it's quite horrible.. when i jump, the flow still calm. but it came more fasterand strong... ...and i fells like drifted awayfor several times. i can't hold tight corals. but calm, bro.not all of rapid is like that, men
there is time we could very slow. i ordered to jump,but i just said... ..."i can't do this, bro". "have you advice for me?" i guess he want to say,"first, take a breath, and... ...strech you hand".but, it he just said... "keep trying".what i have to do?! i can't swim,and i have a bad breath managemet. men, i was panic, men.in several times i see naya...
...look like lose control, men. but thanks, we got a guidewho help to pull me up. if it not, i will look likedrifted away from this life. that's right, without them we will die, men. it has a lot of conveyance, men. it's look like a nature water park, men. the create from naturefor anybody in entire earth. jalan jalan men.
we arriving in rest area. wow, mini store!where's the keeper? after two hours under water... ...and take a breath, men.you will served by... ...green canyon mini store. this is hippest mini store, men.why? becaue it is the first storebefore the place being cool like now. take a photo.. it will recharging our narcissism.
wow, what is that?that's an old man. he walk above a rope.wow, so acrobatic! what usual you use the rope for, sir? - it use for short cut.- oh, more close from there? and what you use it lifting for? oh, it is used for the purchase. and now, one of the guidegoing to show us an atraction, men. i won't look nerdin front of naya... ...so i have to do it.
this is to provehow much i love her! - come on..- jebriw. - are you tired, bro?- i am, nay. it is a high point actually,but my love to naya is... ...more higher. - halo..- human, we coming peace. - don't forget to subscribe in..- below us. - and don't forget to follow..- our twitter @jalan2men. that's right, and if you likewith this jalan jalan men travel gear...
...you can get it in website. did you know how to get it?the procedure is.. go to store.malesbanget.com. select jalan jalan men travel gearthat you want it. - and click "beli"- and you will go to brodo page. if you have done to select an items,add to chart... ...and continuing an order.- don't forget, there's another cool stuff. come on, get the stuff like usto have... ...jalan jalan men travel gear.