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Rabu, 05 April 2017
wisata jawa barat green canyon
eyow what's up? now friday again now we'll go to solo (surakarta) on my way with mr..., what is your name, sir? *tohir was on the way to the train station now we are to use the economic train solo economic train, inexpensive, convenient
my first time using the economic train hopefully his carriage as expected okaayy bye!! very crowded now i've been in pasar senen station now at 12 am, before departure so, i'm just rilex until the solo city may 10pm
i sat in a chair 7c hello sir! guys, we'll try to get into the cockpit machinist can it? we try! hello mr ardi! are you machinist? can i see the cockpit for a moment? from the outside, sir! no entry?
i don't touching anything can't! there are regulations no entry! :d i do not know where the pedals where the brake but like this man hahaa okay, thank you mr ardi! this is dining room at train wan to buy coffe or some tea thank god i've got to the purwosari station, solo
this is it, purwosari station at solo city not balapan station econimic train, was stop here executive train was stop at balapan station hei guys, it's morning, i was tired last night arrived at the station picked up, to the hotel, i went straight to sleep
i was tired it is time we explore solo, okay! stay tune! bye!! we eat soto (chiken soup) i just ate a little, this is delicious the name of restauran is.. soto seger hj. fatimah it's a little bowl here
rice inside it's amazing "soto" we've got tawangmangu and now, we are going to grojogan sewu gerojogan sewu (name of waterfall) and we are going down the stairs as much as 1250 risers okay hahaa.. hey monkey! wellcom at gerojogan sewu, tawangmangu!
fairly cheap ticket it' a good place man! see she was not wearing sandals! prohibited stop here! because a lot of stones falling from the top! so let's goooo!!!! please call this number for the still single hahaha .. yess.. finally arrived with a drizzle
this fairly high waterfall is 81 meters high banned from approaching the waterfall when it rains! frequent flooding! one of the highest waterfalls in indonesia, i guess or java higher waterfalls si api-api at north sumatra toba lake the inhabitants of this place
today a little crowded, but i do not know exactly i think the place is relatively cheap tourist spot with $ 1.2, you can bathe in the pool, eating at the stalls outbond!, but only for kids! pay 0.8 $ only kids! yap, there is a waterfall there is adult pool there is pool
outbond for kids waterfall there many monkeys but you should not feed them, they will be wild so fierce same art gunung api nglanggran you give him one, he will ask for a continuous okay so the way our path to a gerojogan sewu waterfall
we will climb the stairs, omg! guys ndeed tiring journey to ascend to the top but, i look around here is almost no trash clean salute for managers and visitors do not litter bro! finally
you've passed the 1250 risers see you again! okay! bye! guys, we want to have dinner the restaurant name is "cafe tiga ceret" cool man! they had music there behind it seems more spacious beautiful singer :d the main menu
and this side dishes this as the wedangan at roadside, in solo but this cafe version it burned first this is "nasi mercon" very spicy sate buntal nasi bandeng, sosis, perkedel and many more
happy chinese new year gong xi fat cai!
wisata green canyon
when i was a kid, i always dreamt living in a fantasy world where you can see forests, mountains, deserts.. and now it turns out my dream was bromo this place looks like in a movie except that it was real and some says that this mountain can gave me new energy today we’re gonna (inaudible) i’m exhausted as hell man i thought i can make it
no..i know i can do it but… yesterday was very taxing in bukit batu i was riding a rodeo and got fatality and now i’m sore all over my body and i’m super tired so..what do we do when we’re beat? if we’re beat we gotta climb a mountain, man! if you want to go to bromo from malang, you need roughly 2 to 3 hours bromo located between 4 regencies
which is pasuran, probolinggo, lumajang, malang yeaaay, she knows, she was in charge of it because i can’t possibly knows today i was glad to meet mr. abu bakar again he’s our tour guide from surabaya back then because one of the good things about going on a tour with local folks was you’ll know about local spots and you’ll make new friend (singing) melaku melaku means…jalan jalan man! but if it’s like us, traveling like this, will be called musafir
safara-yusafiru isn’t musafir addresses the person? woow,you’re good ever been to middle east? yeah i was doing umrah once there was local folks proposing to me he sells kurma halal! you me halal!
no no no! after we passes several gates we’ve arrived at probolinggo and there’s a delicious food here now we are at rawon nguling i don’t have any strength left.. my muscle needs to eat fortunately in here, they serve lots of foods including rice with es campur
but the best menu they have in here were nasi rawon rawon was typical with east java it consists rice with soup filled with diced meats the ingredients were very indonesian red onion, white onion, galangal, coriander, lemongrass, turmeric, chili, kluwak.. what was that kluwek? salt and vegetable oil but there’s something that makes it more even indonesian was
once sby ate here so i wanted to try out what was the president ate here how knows i might become one sby not that different from me well only by that much i wanted to be president jalan jalan man! mr abu says before i climb bromo, i have to go to some mystical place
was the place could restore my energy? let’s find out! i was thinking that i forgot to bring me a proper footwear to climb the terrain and then when i was sleeping, i felt like god was telling me you don’t have to worry, just buy the regular sandal and the you tied it up with a rope and you’ll get a mountain sandal neat huh..?! not that different from yours right?
i was like, this is a very good idea so i doesn’t slippery when i tied it..pretty smart don’t you think? praise the god he told us thru the dream abu bakar dude says, if you want to replenish your energy you have to go to (mumbling) what was it called? madakaripura what does it mean?
mada = gajah mada kari = place to stay pura = place to pray madakaripura, gajah mada ate kari in a pura it’s time we go to madakaripura but given that you’ll get wet you’ll be recommend to go shopping first gajah mada went here without these gajah mada were divine!
i’ll become divine too like him but just in case, i’ll buy them we’re going to cross the river chocolate milk river where was gajah mada meditate? below the falls below the falls… it turns out madakaripura is a waterfall i thought it would be like a pura
and for us be getting there we had to cross 6 rivers with no bridge on it that means…we’re getting wet man! i’m fortunate, if i hadn’t tied the sandal, i’ll be done earlier the water reaches up to my thigh, whereas jebraw it reaches to it’s knees c’mon! we gotta do this! gajah mada were alone crossing those rivers this place really gives mystical traits
you walk between the valley and you’ll hear sounds of animals around you this is most definitely the kind of place he would you use to meditate fixed!gajah mada was one of my favorite character! he has to be a true traveler like me! it feels like i’ve known him very well gajah mada…i didn’t really know him excuse me mister…but who was gajah mada? he was named patih ooh… so he was like a warrior
warrior in majapahit era legend says that he disappeared from this mountain he obtain the true zen as of me, i gotta be like him! i gotta meditate in this mountain to beat the aliens whose gonna abduct naya gajah mada… woow it’s raining! seems that we gotta go back because if it rains, this place will be running with floods i kinda disappointed
we can’t go to where gajah gada meditate but that what makes me a true traveler sometimes i gotta put someone else ahead of me who knows if we kept going and we found a corpse at the end of the river.. it’s better if we get back that’s was what gajah mada trying to tell! i know it! it’s and enlightenment that i got that a hero has to to put everyone ahead before him
isn’t that right bro?! i have become a hero, because i put everyone needs ahead but for you guys still curious about the madakaripura this is the footage from the epic team hence the name, they can shoot this scene warrior! now, we’re going to bromo mountain locals that settled in this area were farmers because of the volcanic soil
it’s very fertile land but it’s not the time to farm i gotta find inn wooww, there’s javanese banana we can slept on java banana, fixed! i’ going to relax here for a while wooww,what is that?! braw! what kind of hotel is this?
what’s all of these? statue of a man playing trumpet so that what it means earlier about jazz gunung jazz gunung we said that twice at the same time we’re going to be wife and husband turns out every june and july there’s a jazz performance in here now that makes sense it’s an amphitheater
that is the main stage and jazzing all the way there’s jazz friend, jazz kidding there’s the one called jazz the way i liked it… finally the fog cleared this was like new place when it’s clear but i gotta to rest immediately it’s very good and clean the toilet was good too the most important things about an inn is the bathroom
it’s time to sleep! tomorrow i need the sunrise power in bromo to restore my energy i gotta wake up from 3 am in order to view the sunrise in bromo you have to go when it’s still dusk it’s very cold at that time though if you forgot to bring a jacket don't worry here you can buy one and helps the local economy first layer on, second layer on
so cold so cold third layer on the key to survive in the mountain make it double make it triple if you have to quadruple.. if you have to we have to chase the sun in order for me to regain my strength c’mon let’s chase the sun! it’s like in the action film
in the dusk you enter the mountain’s crater with a fog on it and racing with a motorcycle and with other jeeps too it’s so action man! it’s a crater inside a crater it’s very deep! (mumbling speeches) from here you can see malang! and here we are at our first checkpoint
mister abu was like a real musafir musafir was like a wise man on a journey wise man going on a journey, musafir he’s really are a musafir even on the top of the mountain he didn’t forgot to pray he inspired the rest to join the prayer turns out we’re going to other hills which people seldomly visits even the road are still dirt it’s name was king kong hill
we’re on a king kong hill why does it call king kong hill? it was like a shape of a sleeping king kong ooh so that’s why come here come here! awesome… most awesome… and that is god it was like awesome with no limits but there’s one because god doesn’t have limits
and now we’re going to climb the mountain to see the crater what’s that?! that’s a simpati tower and now we’re going down to climb the bromo mountain the local folks was called tenger did i pronounced it right? and hindu was their majority religion look there’s a pura in the middle of the desert
so awesome this pura was litteraly inside a death volcano because (inaudible) was actually a crater it was formed by the explosion long ago called tenger purba it was 6 kilometers in height can you imagine? today the crater height’s was only 2 kilometers 4 kilomoters and you’re not there anymore and the explosion formed this awesome crater
360 degree awesome! doesn’t it make you gave the urge to make a fantasy movie? this made me realize that we didn’t have to go to new zealand or prague or maybe turkey to find a fantasy-like place in indonesia and here in java island there’s a place like where lord of the rings film takes place it’s like a movie studio but made by the god himself you want a desert, there you go mountains, there’s that too
hills, they got it here also and even volcano can you imagine, we’re only getting here maybe indonesia itself was a fantasy world our country was like a fantasy and now i’m prepared to climb bromo let’s climb a mountain! don’t run on a mountain it says that the oxygen are much thiner
so don’t run on a mountain you can relax here everything’s were here from local stands to a public toilet you don’t have to worry about climbing bromo mountain because we can rent a horse! and i’m sure my exp points will get even higher! i know why yesterday i was riding a rodeo it was to prepare for this
god always have a plan but if you want to feel more awesome you gotta ride the horse while having a locals to guide you and if you want more, don’t use one! like naya tips on riding a horse… don’t be a wise ass you think you can ride one but you death by falling into ravine when i was falling i was thinking
what was i supposed to do plan a, jump now plan b, die we made it to horse parking area after we arrived at the foot of the mountain there’s a horse parking area after that you have to go on foot by yourself that’s a stairs.. i hate stairs
don't look up, if we looked up our mental will be downed so don’t looked up no!!!!! i looked up c’mon you can do it! you – can – do –it ! don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done! c’mon one more time wait please… give me 5 minutes
half hour, an hour2 hours! or tomorrow… my feet are killing me it’s the results from the battle damage yesterday it’s okay nayai’ll go without you it’s okay naya you die, i die this is so beautiful this is so great
it’s so awesome! here we are bromo! mountain for bro when you visit here with your bros you’re going to become awesome! how do you find bromo? beautiful beautiful? is it very bro?
because the mountain is for bros we’re actually brothers ooh youre brothers! bro mountain, yeah! this was kinda dangerous the step was narrow if you don’t careful you might fall into the crater i’m not kidding you’re litteraly in the top of the volcano
you gotta be balance. like me bro mountain makes me more bro! because it’s very beautiful, i forgot how tired i was but yeah i forgot all of that god gave us this beautiful nature in order for me to forget my fatigue and i already have my stamina back i can run, i can dance this is the perfect place to dance
because you’re surrounded by the awesome nature so when you dance you’ll become one with it am i right?! and i got the positive energy as well so mystical positively mystical it’s time to go back to surabaya so we can continue our journey c’mon nay
(random chattering) c’mon we’re going on adventure to surabaya we’re going with a car? yeah i don’t want to! why car? i already obtain the energy i don’t need no car! i’m going to surabaya by foot!
see you in surabaya! bye.. after he regained his energy jebraw promised he will go to surabaya by foot what’s in surabaya? don’t miss it the next episode! jalan jalan men! go forward, oh mighty true traveler
wisata green canyon pangandaran
west java is a paradox, men. actually, from bandungto batu karas isn't so far enough. but, by winding andthe traffic jam... ...we spend 6 hours,for only 250 km. it's so exhausted. even me, jebraw,the truly superhero traveler... ...sleeping along way on it. but, for sake of naya to open upher next enlightenment mystery... ...i'll keeping fight.
- what is that?- what's sound is it? it's like we are yet in... the sound of nature has called me,where is it? wow, sun bright. wow, people lookingthe landscape around. now, we are in.. where is it? i don't know. i just knew it, we are in...
...batu karas. and batu karas is more abouta beach, men. beach, where you can enjoy a largepanorama. the melodious sound wave,and a large sands too. in here, you can ask your soulmateto dance in here. here, it has a law for youto splashdown... ...but, it has an another law thatwarns you about a dangerous place. the keys for you to enjoying beach. you just have to thinkfun, fun, super fun, men.
anything can be fun here. even the rejecting will be funif you has positive thinking. men, it has code here, men. nesha love asih,ily = ilyt... i love you = i love you too. but i couldn't waste time here, men. i have to focus tothe next coordinate... ...we hope it could bring usto the next enlightenment... ...for naya my love forever,ever forever.
today, we'll going to grand canyon. - green canyon..- so eco friendly... ...because it's green. come on, let's go to the placethat has a beautifulness... ...and trully amaze. advice to your skin not burned.use body lotion, morron. - use sun block, morron.- that's right, sun block. by the very high spf,it will be... ...spf 1500.
ouch! it's hurt! green canyon is the placewhere we can cross over the river... our body.and the river is... ...very green. the river has squeezing bythe precipices.. - squeezing by the precipices.- am i right? so, why it's named green canyon?what is green, nay? - colour.- colour. - and what is canyon?- "ken-djen beng-et".
"ken-djen beng-et"?kangen=(desire) banget=(trully).. right,, green-desire... ...and we desire about..- nature. - nature.- wow, it's very make sense. make sense, right?we're make sense. advice for you to not boreon your trip. playing riddle. - what is the stupid lake (danau)?- i danau (don't know).. - what lake (danau) can make us laugh?- danau, kasino, indro.
- what lake (danau) is a mickey mouse's friend?- danau duck. wow, green river!wow, green.. - leaf.- leaf? jalan jalan men! this is baraja, the tour guidewho will accompanying us... ...crosses the green river.they're looks very expert about... i secure behind them, men... ...or even just looking them. jebraw try to lesson sundanesse.
the important wordwe could to say it, is... ..."i wanna go to toilet". "i got to pee"."excuse me, i have go to toilet". "excuse me, can i find a toilet here?"am i right? that's a password to startingour adventure. just like usual,we have wearing life jacket. to got a safety life,and never broken heart... can be fun. let's go!
we continued this trip.from batu karas beach... baraja take a half hour, men.and from baraja... the river has to spendmore a half hour. but, ade looks like not excited,he look like... ...felling something wrong. sign of stomach ached - muzzle.- strained body, straighten leg. if we push the stomachhe will response. now we cross the coconut treesthat has a lot of mushrooms.
i don't want leave this moment,so we selfie first, men. yeah, we arrive! from here we have towalk down hills to the river. but berfore it, the guidegive us several instruction, men. for you who didn't knowwhat body rafting is... ...let's ask. body rafting is aboutcross the river... ...without a boat,so we only use... ...helmet, life jacket,something wear in our feet...
...and we just letour body to follow the flow. they said it is about 3 kmand take 2 or 3 hours... arriving there. what amaze, men!the half of this tripping... ...had a crazy advanture, men. you'll never regret,body rafting! very nice.awsome. when we arriving here,we start it with... ...a little jump,it's like, plung, just like that.
it's only 2 meters.and it fells quite... ...until we arrive in a cavethat's like alligator's mouth. this is alligator cave. from the cave,it has more epic challange. now we have have to jumpfrom 3 meters. wow, it's so high, so you have hada high adrenalin too, men. men, it's very excited, men! very awsome, men!by name of god! but, it isn't amaze full yet, men.
now, we have to jump from... ...more highly point, meters, men! and we in into rapid directly. wow, it's quite horrible.. when i jump, the flow still calm. but it came more fasterand strong... ...and i fells like drifted awayfor several times. i can't hold tight corals. but calm, bro.not all of rapid is like that, men
there is time we could very slow. i ordered to jump,but i just said... ..."i can't do this, bro". "have you advice for me?" i guess he want to say,"first, take a breath, and... ...strech you hand".but, it he just said... "keep trying".what i have to do?! i can't swim,and i have a bad breath managemet. men, i was panic, several times i see naya...
...look like lose control, men. but thanks, we got a guidewho help to pull me up. if it not, i will look likedrifted away from this life. that's right, without them we will die, men. it has a lot of conveyance, men. it's look like a nature water park, men. the create from naturefor anybody in entire earth. jalan jalan men.
we arriving in rest area. wow, mini store!where's the keeper? after two hours under water... ...and take a breath, will served by... canyon mini store. this is hippest mini store, men.why? becaue it is the first storebefore the place being cool like now. take a photo.. it will recharging our narcissism.
wow, what is that?that's an old man. he walk above a, so acrobatic! what usual you use the rope for, sir? - it use for short cut.- oh, more close from there? and what you use it lifting for? oh, it is used for the purchase. and now, one of the guidegoing to show us an atraction, men. i won't look nerdin front of naya... i have to do it.
this is to provehow much i love her! - come on..- jebriw. - are you tired, bro?- i am, nay. it is a high point actually,but my love to naya is... ...more higher. - halo..- human, we coming peace. - don't forget to subscribe in..- below us. - and don't forget to follow..- our twitter @jalan2men. that's right, and if you likewith this jalan jalan men travel gear... can get it in website. did you know how to get it?the procedure is.. go to select jalan jalan men travel gearthat you want it. - and click "beli"- and you will go to brodo page. if you have done to select an items,add to chart... ...and continuing an order.- don't forget, there's another cool stuff. come on, get the stuff like usto have... ...jalan jalan men travel gear.
wisata green canyon indonesia

hi strudelers, malang is not only providing beautiful beaches or enticing culinary, but also providing the enchanting waterfalls, strudelers. one of them is kedung jembar waterfall. this waterfall is located in sumberoto village, donomulyo district, malang regency. to get in the waterfall, visitors have to walk approximately 2 kilometers from parking area. exhaustion when going through the winding and hilly street finally paid off with the natural beauty of this hidden paradise yup, finally we’re arrived at kedung jembar. this waterfall has a large area and unique shape, like a terrace.
the clean water made this place called "malang’s grand canyon". the curves of the river created a natural pool so we can use it for a place to rest, strudelers, while having fun, of course. amazing malang, amazing strudel ! if you want to visit this waterfall, make sure to observe the weather first because sometimes when the rainfall is high, a flood will go through this area, strudelers.
so, are you interested to visit this waterfall? plan your vacation immediately to this tourist attraction, strudelers. and don’t forget to keep the cleanliness of this place.