(one day) (the weather was so fine in a village in pangandaran) (the wind is breezing and the sun is shining above) (a becak stopped) (and here story about two boys and a girl. keira, adit and delfi) (two years ago, the undergraduates were having their very first course) (coming to the class, and sat on the chairs) (everyone was introducing themself, except adit, keira, and delfi) (adit was busy with his book)
(while keira was busy with her social media) (and delfi, he was with his phone) (the lecture came to the class and the students stopped their activities) oke, guys. good morning class good morning, sir you are selected students who can study at universitas padjajaran especially in bussines administration major. before starting our lesson today, i want you to introduce your self wow, that’s good apreciation guys.okay now i choose the woman first, please you!
good morning everyone, my name is keira tjandrak-e-i-r-a t-j-a-n-d-r-a keira means modern creative, and tjandrais my family name i choose this major because i interest business. thank you that’s nice. okay, i want to choose you please! hi guys, my name is praditya rizki i choose this major because i interested on business and my motto is be number one. thank you okay next, anyone else for introducing here what’s up guys
actually, i have no reason why i choose this majorjust let it flow, do it slow, and make it wow and i have a life motto, do what i love, and everyone just love what i do by the way, i’m delfi (they were geniouses) (this is business administration introduction subject)-good afternoon okay, now i want to know how much you know about bussines administration because you have selected the major what is business in your opinion? okay keira, what is your answer? i think business is the selling of goods or services in an individual, group or organization to the consumer with main purpose to get profit
it’s amaziiiing, your answer is true. although it has not yet started learning but you can answer the question what is the difference between administration and management? (this is management subject) and what’s your answer adit? administration is for decide main goal or take a policy,meanwhile management is for doing activity to reach a goal and run a policy (and this is the decision making subject)-before we close our lessons today, i want to test your logic and your decision so, if you’re on a game show and you’re given chance to choose from three different doors and now behind one of the doors is a new car and the other two are zonk. which one would you choose?
door number one sir oke we are going to open the door number three and you are still lucky, number three is zonk now, do you want to stay with door number one? yes, of course. i switch to number two remember, the host knows where the car is. so how do you know he’s not playing a trick on you? well, i wouldn’t really care sir . i mean, my answer’s based on statistic, based on variable change variable change? but i just asked you a simple question yeah when i was originally asked to chose a door. i had a 33.3% chance of choose right
but after you opens one of the doors and then re-offers me the choice. it’s now 66,7%. if i choose to switch so, yeah i’ll take door number two, and thank you for that extra 33.3% exactly. people remember. if you don’t know which door to open, always account for variable change now see, most people wouldn’t take the switch out of fear, paranoid, and emotions but mr. delfi, he kept emotions aside and let simple math get his answer into a brand new car. (unfortunately, they didn’t have any friends) ahh... adit, keira, and delfi are crazy. i think they are smart but just too ambitious, the class is belong to them -yes true, i dont like them!-yes they are attention seeker -nah, i dont want to be friends with them-yes, we must take the advantages of keira’s wealth, right?
are you okay? i dont need your help! (but you have to know. though they made no friends, they were not just the ordinary students) -how are you, miss?-i’m fine, thank you -how about hotel condition?-our hotel is decreasing, miss -what? how can?-i don’t know i’ll talk to you later, okay (keira sees adit and delfi, and she join with them) (since that night , they seemed to open up each other. got together everywhere. as being bestfirend)
(in this year, each of them have had their own business) (this is adit. he had a hotel) (and this is delfi, he had a distro) (the day before they going to the village. exactly. they got a project about business) (and that’s the why they went to pangandaran) come in kei, how’s your plans to go to the village? what the purpose departing there? and who will go with you? tomorrow we will do dad. adit, delfi and i will go there early morning. because this is lecturer’s task to do observation about potential business in there
alright, becarefull and keep yourself well oh my god!! delfi wake up! delfi, have you packed all your stuffs for tomorrow what’s? what’ s going on tomorrow? this shirt, this shoes, have you packed? your toothbrush, your note your towel, have you packed all your stuff for tomorrow ah mam, im not kids anymore please mom dont disturb me again mam... mam...
mam today i will go to village with my friends to do observation just go, without asking permission and this is their real experience in pangandaran -keira!!-ups, sorry good afternoon, and welcome to this village my name is stif, i’m the leader of this village. ardianti come here! over here you will be accompanied by adriyanti as beautiful lady here cause adriyanti has the same age with you, so it will be easier to communicate with you adriyanti also knows a lot about this village, so wherever you want to go adriyanti certainly knows it
-the most beautiful lady in here sir?-it’s so so beautiful oke sir, thank you. it is a pleasure for us. nice to meet you let’s go i will take you to grandmother house wait, we must take a selfie first come on come here everyone1 2 3 say kecimpring! ardiati was telling the story about pangandaran village hello everyone. let me introduce my self my name is carolin, you can call me with olin wow, she can speak english! (whispered) of course, i can speak english!
grandma should let them take a rest, because they are tired uuu i'm so sorry, i was so happy. let's go, come in.. come in... -okay, this is a bedroom for you, what is your name?-my name is keira grandma -oke, have a good rest-thank you -and you what is your name?-my name is delfi -and this is my friend-my name is adit -okay this is your bedroom, delfi and adit. have a good rest-okay thank you grandma your welcome (day two!)(they were observing the village and had some fun)
(day three!)(adit, keira and delfi were going to cagar alam by boat. they met ardianti, where she finally told everything) (day four!) this is the last day in pangandaran so they spent by going to the beach guys im thirsty -do you want some drink?-yes of course thank you yes -can i take my time?-yes sure
wei bro, why you still alive man? yeah i still in pangandaran. i will leave it today maybe hmm take it easy man seloo, you know me so well lah yeah im with keira and adit hah? of course. do you think i really friends with them. it’s a bullsh*t man okay bro, thank you yaa, see you -so after all this time, this relation is a fake?-you are crazy del ha!, don’t be naive dit. you too kay you’re so annoying and the reallity our friendship is full of sh*t
-what do you mean del?-what the heck of you are talking about! you are so mean maybe you can ask to adit, he destroy your hotel -yes, what now?! you are childish. same with keira, childish-what? i can’t believe it. adit where is keira and delfi? why you go home alone? keira, what happened? are you sick?tell me honey adit, delfi and i have a problem, and its so complicated grandma kei, im so sorry, it will hurts me if you cry problem are usually thing in best friend. believe me you, you are love each other
-thank you grandma, and im sorry too del-it's no problem kei by the way where is adit? adit was out. maybe his going home what? go home? we should run after him this morning is same like the days before sun’s still shining upon our head, isn’t it? well, this is not easy to tell even i have never known how. about the disease i’ve got, and i am not being here longer, maybe it was so bright like all we know. we compete each other, laugh louder than others
but it was a mistake that i hated you first. i know it’s so naã¯ve to stay quietly and problems get bigger than i thought for kiera, i am sorry have ruined all your business i know how bad your manager is and i will make it alright the way it was and for delfi, i am so envy to see your mom spoiles you like every time you never realise it exactly, don’t you? but nevermind, i am doing it anymore so maybe if we call this an end, i understand i only want to act as your friend finally-maybe i am just a friend in your eyes- who will never forget our journey adit's family?
im so sorry i can not hel him -adit passed away del, adit passed away-its all my fault in the end, adit has gone. but the friendship of them won’t end keira and delfi realized something. they were truly so far it was a regret that the truth came latter. but bad things won’t everlasting then if there’s no sunshine upon my head tomorrow will you two make a promise? a promise not to argue a promise to be best in our ways, like we’ve dreamt it still be best friends. will you? my life was nothing before meeting you two
i learn a lot about friends from us, tricks and now i know how truly friends don't need tricks at all hallo del, can you come to my house, please? right now!