Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

travel ke green canyon

travel ke green canyon

has what to do in order to come out and have a great time. >> the principal charity classic is chance to enjoy the grain and give green that -- green and give it back to the community. they are adding even mor green, which for you means more fun. >> we realized come a we have

this area -- realized we have this area, and we decided to color the green canyon. >> as a spectator, you will take a journey through the classic. before we get to the green, let's take a tour. >> where we are standing is one

of our premier locations where you can see 5-7 holes at one time. >> beautiful views from every angle. >> when there is a birdie, they get discounted here. reporter: you may be familiar

with the party deck, one of their traditions, with beer for a birdie and of course, 3:12 p.m. and the green canyon with plenty of incentives. >> we have giant screen tvs. >> over 600 on the golf course. this is the largest, 320 feet.

what they will show, the leaderboard, advertising and special announcements. reporter: and if that did not pick your ears. >> every time there is a pretty, -- birdie, we offer 30% off margaritas. reporter: the grand canyon

should make you feel right -- green cancer make you feel right at home. or at a friend's. >> if there is something happening, you will find out about it. reporter: the best incentive. >> every dollar that we raise,

the proceeds go to charity. reporter: from everything you enjoy come all of this goes to local charities. last year, they raised $1.4 million. this year, they believe they will talk it -- top it. >> that is like we would like to

do. we want to be the trendsetter. reporter and then it will finish at pole 18, with a section -- hole 80, with a

travel jakarta pangandaran

travel jakarta pangandaran

with subtitle 6 language : indonesia-english / arabic / japanese / cyrilic / korean earth paradise / ùø±ø¯ùˆø³ / 地 の極楽/ ð½ðµð±ðµñð° / 휜라다이욤 voice:act /øµùˆøª : act/ éÿ³å£°: act /ð³ð»ð°ñ: act /솜리:act creator:act/ù…ø¨øªùƒø± :act/創案者:act/ ñð¾ð·ð´ð°ñ‚ðµð»ñœ:act / 창조자:act use earphone /ø§ø³øªø®ø¯ø§ù… ø³ù…ø§ø¹ø© / イヤホンを使用してください / ð¸ñð¿ð¾ð»ñœð·ð¾ð²ð°ð½ð¸ðµ ð½ð°ñƒñˆð½ð¸ðºð¾ð² / 사용 이어폰 westjava beach / ø¬ø¨ø§ø± ø§ù„ø¨ø­ø± / 西ジャワの海/ ð”ð¶ð°ð±ð°ñ€ ð¼ð¾ñ€ðµ / 바다 bandung / ø¨ø§ù†ø¯ùˆù†øº / バンドン / ð‘ð°ð½ð´ñƒð½ð³ /반둥 cimahi / ø³ùšù…ø§ù‡ùš / チアマヒ / ð§ð¸ð¼ð°ñ…ð¸ / 치마히 cianjur / ø³ùšø§ù†ø¬ùˆø± / チアンジュール / ð§ð¸mað“ð¸ / 치안줄

depok / ø¯ùšø¨ùˆùƒ / デポック / ð”ðÿok / 데복 sumedang/ ø³ùˆù…ùšø¯ø§ù†ø¹ / スメダン / ññƒð¼ðµð´ð°ð½ð³/ 수메다ᄂᄀ subang / ø³ùˆø¨ø§ù†ø¹ / スバン / ññƒð±ð°ð½ð³ / 수바ᄂᄀ banjar / ø¨ø§ù†ø¬ø§ø± / バンジャル / ð±ð°ð½ññ€ / 바ᄂ자ᄅ bekasi/ ø¨ùšùƒø§ø³ùš / ベカシ / ð±ðµðºð°ñð¸ / 베가시 ciamis/ ú†ùšø§ù…ùšø³ / チアãƒÿス / ñ†ð¸ð°ð¼ð¸ñ / 치아밋 purwakarta/ ùùˆø±ùˆø§ùƒø§ø±øªø§ / プルワカルタ / ð¿ñƒñ€ñ‰ð°ðºð°ñ€ñ‚ð° / 부롸갈다 bogor/ ø¨ùˆø¹ùˆø± / ぼごる / ð±ð¾ð³ð¾ñ€ / ë³´ê³ á„… cirebon/ ú†ùšø±ùšø¨ùˆù† / チレボン / ñ†ð¸ñ€ðµð±ð¾ð½ / 치레본

kuningan/ ùƒùˆù†ùšù†ø¹ø§ù† / クニガン / ðºñƒð½ð¸ð½ð³ð°ð½ / 구니간 garut/ ø¹ù‡ø§ø±ùˆøª / ガルト / ð³ð°ñ€ñƒñ‚ / 가룯 karawang/ ùƒø§ø±ø§ùˆø§ù†ø¹ / カラワン / ðºð°ñ€ð°ñ‰ð°ð½ð³ / 가라왕 majalengka/ ù…ø§ø¬ø§ù„ùšù†ø¹ùƒø§ / マジャlエンカ / ð¼ð°ñð»ðµð½ð³ðºð° / 마자l엔가 pangandaran/ ùø§ù†ø¹ø§ù†ø¯ø§ø±ø§ù† / パガンダラン / ðÿððð“ððð”ðð ðð / 바간다란 sukabumi/ ø³ùˆùƒø§ø¨ùˆù…ùš / スカブãƒÿ / ð¡ð£ðšðð‘ð£ðœð˜ / 수가부미 tasikmalaya/ øªø§ø³ùšùƒù…ø§ù„ø§ùšø§ / タシクマlアヤ / ñ‚ð°ñð¸ðºð¼ð°ð»ð°ñ‹ð° / 다식마l아야 thank you / ø´ùƒø±ø§ / あ゚ぜとう / ð¡ð¿ð°ñð¸ð±ð¾ /고맙욵니다

travel green canyon

travel green canyon

~ hadimas89 ~ i'm in wae rebo.but i'm not already be their guest... ...before i got permissionfrom the leader. the ceremony is the symbolto be a family of wae rebo... ...that amount 625 people here.the chicken is the symbol of... ...the child who was coming hometo its parent's embrace. so beautiful. because of it, we havea new name.. in manggaraian you'll calledanak bara batuka...

...that have meaningour biological child. thank you to considering meas your own child. thank you, dads. he is so friendly. for another chancewe consider as their children... ...and know i'm the mountain son,the highlander, men. men, after welcoming ceremony,i just saw a wae rebo living trully. men, they're the native highlander. they're independent and neighboringby the nature.

they're self reliantin having food and... ...simply economic butthey're still living in happiness. for example, they can madeflores' fabric by themself... ...to sell it to the guestsfrom any countries, men. it would be a thousands guestswere coming here... ...from any countries each year. it's because of 7 unique traditionalhouse were being the destination. the houses are rumah niang.it's built by woods and straws. it sheafing naturally, men.without a super glue or cement.

they're stone andstage foundation house. jalan jalan men. a house can be lived by30's people in it. and actually, the house hasfour floors. their stove is placed in the livingfloor and we eat on the same floor. but, the coolest thingin this house is.. i got a super power, men.i'm a light bender. and it used to waking them.hey, wake up bro. we're going to bathin a spring, men.

- hello.- hello. for bathing, it's not easy way.but, i who has a good shower... ...is so hard to take it. this is my shower.the outdoor shower. - open yours, braw.- okay! stupid. it's a first time i bathing on themountain and showed by people. so fresh. five!very strong..

now, we go to coffee field,livelihood of wae rebo. this is small coffee field and we'vepassing the large one down there. this is coffee bean, still green,and we've waiting become red... ...and we harvest it, washed,there're any methods... ...then dried in the sun fordays to peel their skin. we collect the beansand washed more. last we've to roastingbefore we drink it. men, that beans,become it. tasty, men.there's some bitter in tounge.

on the mountain, below a clouddrinking a coffee. awesome! welcome in heaven. on this coffee field, there's tarotoo and the best thing is... ...a pig, men. good morning! i can isulting it,because it is a humilating pig. mr. mus said wae rebo's peopleare happy to living here, men. because their ancestor has knownhere is the fertile land...

...for all of cropsand sell it, men. how many descendant wholiving here? we're the 18th generation, and it'sabout 60 years each generation. 60 years for one generation,so it will be.. i can't count it. so, before this kingdomdown there exist... ...the village were bornfirst here. wae rebo, men. five!ouch, still hurt here.

why it nammed wae rebo? the founder, simaro, who lived herehad been dreaming... ...and got a revelation thatthe land is so fertile to live. and we have give it namewae rebo. from labuan bajo untill wae rebo,flores is very special, men. from low land till this high land,all you'll find is love. five again! let's go to a library. - do you want to read?- (local language)

obviously, the children cannotsay in bahasa, men. that's why i got troubleto invite them. tips to get attention the children.mr. rafael said we have to sing. (local song) it's time to do my quest,reading them stepping water. in the longest place. there's atribe who can walk on the water. men, i just feel intimate... ...even i know they aren'tunderstand what i said... ...they're still happy.their sympathy are connect us.

i just afraid they can't happywith me, but now i enjoy it. when he got his brave,he fought goho the sea monster. the end.yippee! jalan jalan men! he is so strong. you're more stronger than mewalking up a mountain. we arriving in the library.finally, i can end my quest. okay, come in and givethem a book as a symbol. in fact, this housewill be a library.

so, this book is thefirst book here. now, i give it as wishes to allchildren here will become smart. hopefully, this book can helpthe growth of the village. here you are. finally, my quest is complete. tonight is my last nightin wae rebo. tomorrow i've to go home.so, the leader, mr. rafael... ...give us anawesome entertainment. these are the ancient drumfrom their first ancestor.

they're made it toanother ceremony. it's mean, the drums arethousand years old, men. so old, it would be wise drum. and i got honor to play it,and singing together. so musician. now is time to say goodbyeto this beautiful place. we are as a citizen have so muchlearnt, because we've learn... ...to grateful and livingas much as needed. actually, god has giving usall what we need.

from the start to the... ...next destination we'll meetagain, hopefully. thank you. men, i've so much learnt here.look, the formation of the houses... ...is circle, as sittingand sleeping too. like circle of love.goes round, comes round. and it's so cool.one important thing i got is... ...they're living simply.they're not always ask... ...because they're alwaysgrateful what they get. the mountain is givingall they need.

they're not greedy, but onlyuse as what they needed to live. they're always grateful,not asking so much more. and.. very impressive! that's so beautiful life, and theyknow the treasure of life is... ...the life itself.wae rebo. and if you still watch this videoit means you're still alive, men. and that fact alone is somethingto be thankful all. quasi me.

land of thousand smiles.smiling everywhere. smiling everywhere. that's right,this is land of thousand smiles. land of thousand smiles.flores, land of thousand smiles. five!

travel bandung pangandaran murah

travel bandung pangandaran murah

swag thank you met! wait, wait. it's cool. wait, wait look. wee! is that abby? after playing uno aimee lost.

so she needs to eat fisherman friend strong mint resealable pack zip and lock look at her expression come on. it gives a cooling sensation show it first mee, show it first // strong mint come on mee yeah one two three eat

weee it's not that strong right? yes. noooo. add the dosis come on cheers mee cheers! gubeng! michelle's not here? okay let's wait for her hello ngacoerz

indira indira is with the birds mwoh so big! fishes! so many fishes wow it's shaun the sheep di, di, it's the fat one. what's it's name?

umm.. shirley, shirley. wow bi, that elephant is made from used television. this one's from used cars. it's so awesome. come on lip, walk. wow this one's awesome. the color's nice. is this beetles? wow, this one's cool

peacock! let's try using their language you're gonna get attacked that bird looks like a statue wow yes emu from crossy road?

transportasi bandung pangandaran

transportasi bandung pangandaran

situ patenggang situ or patengan there is a lake located in the area of ​​natural attractions south bandung, west java, indonesia, precisely in ciwidey. located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, this lake has a very exotic scenery. patenggang it also has a beautiful natural scenery, because there is a stretch of surrounding tea gardens. wide situ approximately 45,000 hectares. as well as the total area of ​​nature reserves reached 123,077.15 hectares. patenggang there is always an option, especially for those travelers who just returned from the tourist attractions white crater. the distance from the white crater tour is only about 7 km and takes about 10 minutes. there patenggang located in southern bandung area and is located approximately 35 km from the city of bandung. transportation to get to the location where patenggang, can use public transportation such as buses from terminal to terminal leuwipanjang ciwidey, connected with transportation to the village situ patenggang. if using a private vehicle, either through lane kopo - soreang - ciwidey patenggang situ. accommodation entrance to the tourist area is rp18.000 / person. means are provided the which include a large parking area, public toilets, mosque, and a place to stay under perhutani management. there is also a gazebo that can be used to break many around the attraction. myth

based on the information contained in tourist sites, there patenggang derived from the sundanese, pateangan-teangan (mutual searching). son tells of the love of king and princess incarnation of goddess large with nature, namely ki santang and dewi rengganis. they split up for so long. because love is so profound, they are looking for and finally meet in a place that until now called "stone love". dewi rengganispun asked for a lake and a boat to sail together. this boat until now become a heart-shaped island (island asmara / island sasaka). according to this story, which stopped at the stone of love and romance surrounding the island, always get eternal love like them. my response lack of facilities and snacks which tend to be expensive to make my family and regretted it. lack of attention of the government to make this tour a bit neglected because of its location far from the center of government. hopefully with this little video represents friends who are curious about the existence of these situ. videos taken using goopro hero 3 silver and dji phantom ii.