pangandaran - streetview batu hiu - beachview green canyon - boatview
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Senin, 03 April 2017
wisata di pangandaran jawa barat

yoo what's up today i'm gonna going to the garut just following my trip, i guess we gonna going to the waterfall again and maybe we go to the batu layang if have a time depend of the traffic just following me, and stay tune, byee now on the way to the garut "tasik" oh i think garut :d
now with the absurd driver :d now i'm driving as manual not matic and my left foot should be active right you have a rheumatic disease :d maybe not for this av**** (car brand) the clutch little be soft, and this car was never use before as the owner say the smells like new *smell sp**m*
we waiting ilham right now * at the back of us too long he can't drive i guess lol wanna go to your house? no we gonna go to the citumang *hotel? lol what we do? stay for poop lol to be continued, and stay tune and hopefully the traffic jam didn't happen
(munir say) if sleeping we gonna kick and put him to the side of the highway ok bye! this is what the fate of the singles, in a traffic jam, we entertain ourselves broo woke up in the morning always thinking about you!!!! lol (begeng) she's our best friend yoooo what's up!!!!!
now we're ate the rest area km 73 dafuq, the traffic jam make us so mad, now we want to rest for a while jakarta to karawang, almost 6 hours yeeee, we was drive at 11.00 pm and now 4.55 am we wanna do morning prayers (moeslem) and i wanna eat first yes jakarta karawang almost 6 hours i just feel this traffic jam, it's so crazy
normally just taking 1 hour better i'm riding than driving i just thinking what happen? the truck driving so slow the truck move so slow like snail stay tune, byee!! hopefully we arrive to the place asap go away traffic jam *dafuq amiin
we gonna out from the highway and the song in this morning like this this guy, we gonna do friday prayers (moeslem) , we gonna leave him alone ;d look at him *to the face wanna prayer or we prayer for him yoo what's up, now we just arrive at the ari house we can't go to the citumang now we gonna rest in here for a while
because it's to late i just do friday prayers what are you doing bro? poop lol let's see actually i wanna sleep, but i wanna stalking my friend lol after this, we gonna go to the citumang on 1 or 2 am driver jakarta lampung
i wanna sleep!!! see you next vlog good morning, we're at ari house we gonna go to the? this is not morning, i'ts early morning it's 2 am bro we gonna go to the citumang we don't want to rush the road, that's why we go so early if we go at 3am or 4am we will rush
so affraid with the traffic jam, like yesterday we fail *ari* i need a permission to my mother how about you bro? has ready? rofik here and ilham ilham there we going with eki there *so cold man* she's yanti, and bella there, and young sister of yanti she still sleepy i guess
see you again, byee yoo what's up!!!!! now it's 5am we're at rest area (gas station), we gonna rest and do morning prayers this trip it's taking 1 hour 30 min estimated 68km more to many hole on the road luckly, driver as profesional but i'm so proud, with husband and wife, they riding from jakarta
see you again, we gonna do morning prayers timelapse yoo we just arrived at bojong village, sub-district of parigi pangandaran, almost arrive to citumang estimated to the location it's 1,5 km more but first we gonna parking this car any body rafting there (citumang) the road so small bro if any 2 cars cross over in this road, so confused
if we going pullback this car still confused :d too much basil tree here so delicious eating with sambal terasi (traditional chilli sauce indonesia) i believe this place gonna be awsome not unsatisfied according from guide the water gonna be awsome or cloudy, because just rain right here the road still damp stay tuned, the adventure, the alumni of the elementary school joglo 05 morning
the path of gundul yeaaah, we just arrived at citumang we should use body safety i just meet giring nidji (the vocal of band indonesia) don't forget, we have a new friend here *haloooo* and the name as giring nidji lol come here bro with me how long to the location? my estimate arround 100 meter more
that's not to long laa just follow us just follow this way, after you get stucked, just pull your head to the rock i have idea, we request giring nidji to singing a song giring come on singing for us no no, i just sing in the vip room yanti here ardi here come here bro
and the young sister of yanti be aware, new host here lol and bella again here and eki, rofik here but today, jerry was not avaliable, because he at church, he have a special time there stay tuned byee what happened bro, hallo today, we will explore citumang love moment
you didn't like? fight with us! lol we almost arrive as usual we going with dafuq my ass!!!! he touch my ass!! as usual we going with ari and ardi *ari again* with tukang gurandil hey miss stay tune cool!!!!
screaming awsome!!! actually he so scared with elevation omg it was fun, you should come to here mantaaaaapp!!! (cool!!!!!) you should come to here look again expression of happiness childish
shut up!!! be aware dafuq my ass night train tu tuutttt this guy, so f*cking stupid! let's see the comment from my friends how about this place sir? nice bro, and this is our trip, how about the next trip? ask them how about this place ham?
*rofik* citumang awsome that's good place, but the water so dark, because was rainy here, actually the water was clear before rainy maddam comment please i gotta faith lol sir emm awsome place, but i need more challenge how about this sir? someday, we can go to here again asap
thrutly i'm so faith but i'm enjoy!!!! i was jump from 7 meter, i was affraid, jump or not you noob!!! you noob!!!! tell your mother, tell for what? you noob!! lol i bring souvenir from the forest magic stick (dota 2 item) see you next vlog it's time to go home, but the video still avaliable
back to jakarta the last of video, not be discarded breakfast bro!!
wisata body rafting
i remember it hit like a tidal wave. i remember it hit like a tidal wave. somebody sing me to sleep.i wanna know why i’m having these dreams. i remember the day that you ran away. i rememberit hit like a tidal wave. you gave up, it lost all meaning. you gaveup on the life that we are leading. you gave up, it lost all meaning.
villa di green canyon pangandaran

eyow what's up? now friday again now we'll go to solo (surakarta) on my way with mr..., what is your name, sir? *tohir was on the way to the train station now we are to use the economic train solo economic train, inexpensive, convenient
my first time using the economic train hopefully his carriage as expected okaayy bye!! very crowded now i've been in pasar senen station now at 12 am, before departure so, i'm just rilex until the solo city may 10pm
i sat in a chair 7c hello sir! guys, we'll try to get into the cockpit machinist can it? we try! hello mr ardi! are you machinist? can i see the cockpit for a moment? from the outside, sir! no entry?
i don't touching anything can't! there are regulations no entry! :d i do not know where the pedals where the brake but like this man hahaa okay, thank you mr ardi! this is dining room at train wan to buy coffe or some tea thank god i've got to the purwosari station, solo
this is it, purwosari station at solo city not balapan station econimic train, was stop here executive train was stop at balapan station hei guys, it's morning, i was tired last night arrived at the station picked up, to the hotel, i went straight to sleep
i was tired it is time we explore solo, okay! stay tune! bye!! we eat soto (chiken soup) i just ate a little, this is delicious the name of restauran is.. soto seger hj. fatimah it's a little bowl here
rice inside it's amazing "soto" we've got tawangmangu and now, we are going to grojogan sewu gerojogan sewu (name of waterfall) and we are going down the stairs as much as 1250 risers okay hahaa.. hey monkey! wellcom at gerojogan sewu, tawangmangu!
fairly cheap ticket it' a good place man! see she was not wearing sandals! prohibited stop here! because a lot of stones falling from the top! so let's goooo!!!! please call this number for the still single hahaha .. yess.. finally arrived with a drizzle
this fairly high waterfall is 81 meters high banned from approaching the waterfall when it rains! frequent flooding! one of the highest waterfalls in indonesia, i guess or java higher waterfalls si api-api at north sumatra toba lake the inhabitants of this place
today a little crowded, but i do not know exactly i think the place is relatively cheap tourist spot with $ 1.2, you can bathe in the pool, eating at the stalls outbond!, but only for kids! pay 0.8 $ only kids! yap, there is a waterfall there is adult pool there is pool
outbond for kids waterfall there many monkeys but you should not feed them, they will be wild so fierce same art gunung api nglanggran you give him one, he will ask for a continuous okay so the way our path to a gerojogan sewu waterfall
we will climb the stairs, omg! guys ndeed tiring journey to ascend to the top but, i look around here is almost no trash clean salute for managers and visitors do not litter bro! finally
you've passed the 1250 risers see you again! okay! bye! guys, we want to have dinner the restaurant name is "cafe tiga ceret" cool man! they had music there behind it seems more spacious beautiful singer :d the main menu
and this side dishes this as the wedangan at roadside, in solo but this cafe version it burned first this is "nasi mercon" very spicy sate buntal nasi bandeng, sosis, perkedel and many more
happy chinese new year gong xi fat cai!